WHO IS JAMES ARTHUR? WHAT IS A MANHUNT? James Arthur is a Texan hick who spent a lotta time as the driving force behind some of the best '90s underground garage/punk/psych bands -- Fireworks, Necessary Evils, Feast of Snakes and the Golden Boys, among others -- recording for all the hippest labels of the day like Crypt, In The Red, Sympathy, even appearing on fine Aussie imprints Au-go-go and Dropkick. He's been dormant for a while, distilling a toxic brew of psychedelic noise in the basement of his ranch in the Hill Country outside of Austin. He's just got together a new band, JAMES ARTHUR'S MANHUNT, and has recorded an LP for Australian taste-makers Aarght! Records. We are proud to bring you the first such JA foray in some time. We brought you Eddy Current Suppression Ring, the Ooga Boogas, UV Race and Super Wild Horses so you know damn well you should listen to it. Manhunt will be touring Australia in August & September of this year in support of the LP, playing at both Flip Out Festivals in Melbourne and Sydney, with a handful of side shows. We don't know what a manhunt is. James is kinda gay. Which is cool and all, and ballsy for a Texan. ============================================= JAMES ARTHUR'S MANHUNT AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2009 FRI 21 AUG - Clarence Corner Hotel, Brisbane w/ Slug Guts, The Dunhill Blues (Syd) SAT 22 AUG - secret rooftop party in Brisbane - PM for details! FRI 28 AUG - secret warehouse gig - PM for details! SAT 29 AUG - Flip Out Festival, Manning Bar, Sydney University w/ Eddy Current Suppression Ring, Pink Reason (USA), Goodnight Loving (USA), etc SUN 30 AUG - Excelsior Hotel, Sydney w/ secret supports TBC!! THU 3 SEP - Cobra Bar (Tote upstairs), Melbourne w/ The Stabs, Chinese Burns FRI 4 SEP - Pony Bar (late 2am slot), Melbourne SAT 5 SEP - Flip Out Festival, Corner Hotel, Melbourne w/ Pink Reason (USA), Goodnight Loving (USA), Ooga Boogas, etc ================================================ JAMES ARTHUR'S MANHUNT - self-titled LP (AARGHT016) due for release October 2009 (probably the day they get home) ================================================ Also coming in late 2009: UV RACE - self-titled LP/CD (AARGHT014) Six Melbourne weirdos with debut full-length avant-tard masterpiece
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